Tuesday, February 21, 2012

i need 100+ 2'' x 2.5'' (x various depths), mini bins/ containers for organizing small objects. i cant find the size i need in plastic. i know theres a way to make your own cardboard and paper out of recycled material. how do i build strong custom sized bins with those materials. i have screen and wood to make the template. what materials do i need? whats the recipie for the mix? what do i put into the mix to make it stronger, bulkier, or dry faster?How do i make strong custom mini-bins/containers, out of recycled materials?(similar process to making paper?)put paper in a pot with water, heat it, get a mixer and start mixing the paper. the paper should rip into small little pieces then , try two things:
1. try to mold the paper and let it dry and see how it holds together.
2. add some kind of paper mache material to it and that should work

  • north beach plantation
  • ruth chris
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