Friday, February 24, 2012

I know that there are problems with Depo Provera that can make you gain weight, but is that a problem with the mini pill since it is Progestin-only?

I asked in this section because Women's Health gives horrible and few answers. :P Thank you.Does the mini pill make you gain weight?I'd think it'd be the same as taking the regular pill. Though I am not sure why you want to take the mini pill at this point. You will soon be weaning and it's not gonna be as effective then. I think you should be on the regular pill and it can have some gain weight but nothing significant or that tiny you should be worried about. I never gained on it. I never took the mini pill, I got the prescription and even filled it, but never took them. The mini pill is REALLY picky about taking at the SAME time each day, more so than the regular. and yeah if you still have to use a condom for back up why bother, was why I didn't take them. Sorry looks like you didn't get many answers here either :(Does the mini pill make you gain weight?I have been on the mini pill before and I didn't gain any weight. I don't think weight gain is a side effect as it is progestin only.


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