Saturday, March 3, 2012

I am a college student and there are a lot of Atheist people at my school, just about all of the ones I know do drugs. They do acid, weed, different pills, etc. I personally think its the drugs getting to them but people on this site seem really smart and thats how they make themselves appear.How come most Atheist are either really smart or on drugs?The only thing I can think of that atheists and drug addicts have in common is that they have higher intelligence than average.

At lest, people who have been drug addicts and managed to quit are on average more intelligent than the general population. That has been demonstrated and so are atheist.

Intelligent people are also more likely to be depressed. I think it has to do with people not being able to ignore or have blind faith in things, so they notice how much bullshit is in the world. Some of them become drug addicts.|||Interesting school you go to! There is indeed a correlation between being an atheist and being both able and willing to think for yourself: non-authoritarian. Most religions are authoritarian in nature, so that makes sense.

As to the drugs aspect, I cannot say. I acknowledge that I did a good bit of drugs before, during and after my college years (class of 1974), but I can't speak for today's college students in that regard.How come most Atheist are either really smart or on drugs?Religion in this culture is the dominant paradigm -- it's the most popular way of looking at the world. It often takes either a great deal of intelligence or an altered state of consciousness to go against the way society has taught you to think (not just *what* it has taught you to think, but the very manner of looking at the world).

For my part, I've never done drugs, nor had any interest in trying them -- not even when I was in college.|||Atheists tend to be people who are willing to question and look into things that they are brought up being taught.

They are brought up being taught that there is a God. When they look into it and think about it, they decide they no longer believe in one.

They are also brought up being taught that drugs are bad. When they look into this they discover that a lot of what the government/school system says about drugs is untrue (People who want to dispute this, don't forget, the government just tells us whatever is convenient. Remember when women weren't allowed to vote because they were "scientifically" shown to be not intelligent enough to make a good choice?)

In both cases, closer exploration leads to a change of opinion.

Disclaimer: I am not saying that closer inspection will lead everyone to "discover" that there is no God. On the contrary I discovered my personal belief in this way. /disclaimerHow come most Atheist are either really smart or on drugs?Your question makes me want to further research drug use and how it might correspond to religious belief (or non-belief). But many of the people who have commented here are right: college is a bubble, sealed off from many of the responsibilities of the larger world. I would recommend against forming an opinion of atheists based on your experiences in such an insulated environment. Also, keep in mind that people are individuals and that broad generalizations are never completely true.|||It's not that all atheist's do drugs, it's that most drug addicts are atheist. If they don't feel pressured by a god and by thinking they are sinning then they can continue to do drugs without guilt. Also you can't put a generalization that a religious (or lack there of) group is smarter than another. Also anyone that thinks atheists are smarter because they don't openly put there faith in stuff, the bible has had over 3,000 prophecies come true so far. Half of them written close to 1400 years before the birth of jesus.|||Because when your really smart you think out of the box . There is no scientific way to explain god in fact we dont have any proof he evan exist . we dont know any thing about him other than what the grown ups say and the priest . There is nothing to really prove him or explain him . He seems like a Myth nothing but a myth like mermaids and dragons . If you place God as a mermaid or dragon he fits in perfectly because people say they existed but their is no proof , but what people have to say , but we dont know if its just a rumor like Big foot . they could of just wanted attention or wanted to start some thing , it all seems so fake and baffling .
As for drug , people have horrible lifes and do drugs to escape the feelings . They start to think " god why did this happen to me , why me ? why , i thought you were suppose to help me ? Dont you hear me :(? " and soon they come to lose their faith in god , They come to think God didnt do anything because .... well he doesnt exist he's just an imaginary guy we have like Santa clause to help us keep faith .|||i've never taken drugs(except for the occasional drink, which I have now), and I teach religion and philosophy....and I am an atheist. Drugs are not the domain of atheists. I worked in a christian university and saw the same things happen there concerning kids drugs, alcohol and sex. You would be surprised....|||If there were no God I'd waste my life doing drugs too. Most of the smartest people that have ever walked the earth either believe there a God or high consider the possibility. Memorizing what your biology teacher taught you is not smart it just means you have good memory.|||The higher ones education the more likely they are to be atheists, whether on drugs or not. The ones I know do not use drugs, but they also don't broadcast they are atheists either. Smart ones are careful who they tell, and when to play along with others.|||It's not a coincidence that most atheists you know are smart. Look at religion logically and rationally, the way smart people do, and you'll understand too.

As for drugs, I can't speak to that. Every person I've known who's done drugs does believe in god.|||Uh, sorry to burst your bubble my friend, I am an atheist, as are many of my friends, and I have never done drugs, smoked and I barely drink. Most of my friends have never done drugs and barely drink as well. Don't generalize.|||Most of the people at my university who do drugs are Nanotechnicians. Hardly any self-declared Atheists at my university, mostly agnostic.|||IDK. I've never done drugs and don't plan on it. I assume they do drugs because they're college students, and a hell of a lot of college kids experiment.|||Because when people are high they think they have all they answers, and when they are really smart they do have all the answers.|||And BAD christians do nothing else other than slander and attack anyone who thinks even slightly differently to them!!

What a nasty religion christianity has become!!|||Generalise much?

All the Atheists I know are strictly anti-drugs, weather they are intelligent or not.

.|||I never did any drugs in school.
I didn't have time with anywhere from 7-13 classes a semester.

^_^|||I think that more Christian college students do drugs, simply because there are more of them.|||I don't think it's a pattern with Atheists, I think it's a pattern with people at your college (I mean they are college kids)...or just people in general.|||every college student does drugs.|||they do drugs because they want to experience what it is like to be closer to God.|||Ewen the ones who appear not to use drugs, probably are. their god is drugs.|||maybe their too smart for their own good thus they dont fit in and well the drugs might help cope with that and the fact that it makes them feel good|||college is the time for exploration that's why|||*laughs*
I'm an atheist and I've never tried drugs. Way to generalize.|||That's usually the case for everyone, not just atheists.... see the pattern?|||Atheists have to find a way to cope with reality. By refusing to believe in Jesus Christ, they have nobody to turn to when things get rough. Some of them become drug addicts, others become engrossed in a hobby. It's called escapism.|||I think when people lose their sense of accountability to a standard or higher power, they begin to slide downhill.|||Well the people on this site aren't smart at all, and they all do drugs.|||There's no such thing as a "smart" atheist.


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