Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I have a friend that is incredibly intelligent that is is a really bad place. He is way too smart to be a customer service rep, but that's all he's done. He is filing for bankruptcy and getting over a 12 year marriage. What do I tell him that will help? What can my friend do? He has no place giving customer service, but had no college degree. He's smarter than anyone I've ever met, but doesnt seem to be able to get a better job than a customer service rep.How does someone so smart get out of a big mess?He should probably looking into learning a trade or going to school for some kind of business degree. There are plenty of loans and grants that are available for people who want to go back to school. Sometimes, you get stuck with doing what you do best, not what you want to do. When the bills need to get paid, sometimes it's hard to add school to the daily mix. That's why many schools and community colleges offer part time day and evening classes. Tell you friend to check them out.

In the meantime just be there for your friend. I've done customer service for quite some time, but I find that even if your not a service rep, your still doing some kind of "customer service" no matter where you work!How does someone so smart get out of a big mess?Your friend needs to go back to school. He could take a few classes per semester. He could try night school. He could try to take classes online. He has no other choice but to go back to school and try to get some sort of certificate or degree.


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