Friday, March 9, 2012

What is the difference between a toyota common key and a smart key? I read a smart key is anything with a chip, but others say that a 4D transponder key with no remote functions is a common key and a smart key involves remote start up or unlocking doors. Is that correct thank you.What is a toyota common key and a smart key?A smart key is one that you do not have to take out of your pocket. It looks like a remote and it does have remote functions such as door lock and unlock. When you approach the car with a smart key in your pocket, the car and key have already talked. If the car recognizes the key it will allow you to open the locked door when you grab the handle. When you get inside the car the car knows that it has a registered key inside of it and you can push the start button and drive away. All of this without taking the key out of your pocket or purse. There is a regular key that can be removed from the smart key in case of battery failure etc. A "chip" key is not a smart key. Toyota calls a chip key an immobilizer key. It looks like a regular key. What it does is when you put it into the ignition the car talks to a chip inside of the key. If the car does not recognize the chip the car will not start even though the key will turn in the lock.What is a toyota common key and a smart key?Common keys are keys that you physically have to put in the lock to open the car.

Smart keys are remote control ones, that are coded to your car so that it will open when you press the unlock button on it. They are more expensive to replace than common keys, as they have to be coded to your car, which is unique.What is a toyota common key and a smart key?The smart key is the remote key that locks/unlocks doors and the common key is a regular key and I think the they do have the transponder that starts the car from outside but its something you need to get installed. A lot of people who live where it snows get those...


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