Friday, March 9, 2012

Smart people have an unfair advantage that they didn't earn. They just inherited intelligence from their smart parents. Shouldn't the oppressed dummies be compensated to make everything fair?

Why not use someone's IQ to determine their tax rate?Do you think we should tax smart people and subsidize the stupid?We do that already.... workers subsidise the work-shy spongers who are mostly thickos.|||No, Liberals already get enough subsidies from the government.Do you think we should tax smart people and subsidize the stupid?So you would have your hand out?|||No you can't tax someone based on their genes or something they can't voluntarily control
Also being smarter doesn't mean anything as far as success, studies show smarter people are actually at a disadvantage when dealing with their less intelligent counterparts who are the majority

That's like taxing all people of Irish descent, it's discriminatory

Nice try thoughDo you think we should tax smart people and subsidize the stupid?Smart people don't pay "tax!"
only the little people pay "tax!" need I say more!?|||It has nothing to do with intelligence, so if this is an attempt to increase your own tax subsidy it has failed.|||So all the republicans that inherited wealthand / or businesses from their parents would be subsidized because of their intellect. Wow the Government subsidizing stupid rich people...who would have thunk that?|||Isn't that what is being done now?|||In the UK this question would be a stupid attempt at trying to justify the unfair tax system where the rich and big business pay very little taxes due to loopholes in the tax laws.


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