Friday, March 9, 2012

Not only it is a proven fact, but I have seen people with this problem. Very smart people, successful in everything, except relationships. Why? Has anybody ever seen this or experienced it? Anybody with any idea of why this happens? Thanks a lot!Why do very smart people usually fail in relationships?well it is different with every person. For instance, sometimes very smart people are very picky, and they miss out on their significant one because they do not fulfill all their needs. Sometimes, on the other hand, a smart person is overwhelming for the significant other. So pretty much that means that the other person feels dumb/not deserving of the smart person. Either case in both scenarios the smart person or the not so smart person just think they do not compliment each other, and that is why they end up failing on their relationship.|||"Proven fact?" C'mon. Does it happen? Sure. Lots of reasons; just like there are lots of reasons relationships in general fail. Guys who spend years developing their muscles aren't usually any better with relationships. People who close themselves off from others to develop a particular aspect of their abilities will tend to have more difficulty dealing with the variety of people you need to meet to increase the chance of a long term relationship being successful. Scholarship is a solitary pursuit, by and large, and many who start early don't develop an easy way with the opposite sex.

Then, there are those who feel intimidated by someone of the opposite sex who has a large intellect it may make them feel inadequate about their own intelligence. But there are plenty of smart guys in successful relationships; they just are smart enough to shut up and enjoy life.Why do very smart people usually fail in relationships?Smart people get smart by being curious and asking questions..rather than settle for good enough they search for ways to improve and gain more short they can never be satisfied. Since most of their life has been spent on increasing their knowledge (and pay rate) not much time has been spent on social interaction resulting in a romantically inept adult who is so emotionally immature and lacks basic relationship skills-it makes a successful relationship impossible.|||Its not the smart people who fail. Its the people who don't go out enough who do. I'm sure if you're smart, you should also make the time to go out more.

But... Book smart people are the people who sacrifice their social lives for their knowledge. People who are successful in dating generally sacrifice their education for social skills. However, both types of people can learn these things anytime they want. You could start now if you wanna.Why do very smart people usually fail in relationships?This doesn't always happen . However, when it does, it's probably because they're cocky or can't fall in love as easily as the average person. Maybe,, They just think too much, ahahah. On the other hand, maybe their just really nerdy, and no one likes them..sometimes smart people are pure bitches..But,, maybe their not even really that smart, they just aren't very social. Lot's of smart people aren't people persons, but then again lot's can have it all. It really does depend on the person you're thinking of. Also, there are book-smart people, and logic-smart people, maybe that's where the issue lies, if you're just book-smart, you might have trouble understanding emotions and such.|||I know. I'm 50 years old and never been married and I have two college degrees. I've had some serious long term relationships though. I think that a lot of smart people are looking for someone smart but NOT smarter than they are. Just a notch below them or else they will feel threatened. It's like they are competing with each other.
It's sad.
I lived with a very intelligent person for 7 years. I'll never forget one night I beat him at Scrabble. Boy did that crush his ego.
It's sad.|||It's easier to give advice than to actually live by your own logical advice. So while a smart person might have the logical answer for how to handle a situation, they are not sure how to handle the "emotional" aspects of relationships.|||Smart people usually fail in relationships because they are smart enough to get away from a relationship that is bound to fail.|||That really depends on the person.
But over thinking and basing everything on logic could be the reason.
If you love someone then be with them. It's simple!|||Because they tend to overthink everything.|||I think it's because smart people tend to make others feel intimidated or dumb.|||That's an easy one! BECAUSE THEY MAKE DECISIONS FROM THEIR MIND RATHER THAN HEART"


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